BY NEIL DOWLING | 9th Jun 2016

GULLIVER became annoyed and clumsy to the point of being lethal in the 18th-century book of travels to places where everything was shrunken.

Today, he would have driven a Toyota LandCruiser 200 Series, probably seeking comfort in the excesses of the $118,000-plus Sahara.

You feel big in a LandCruiser. So big in fact that things simply get in its way.

Like curbing in a cramped multi-storey carpark and bite-size small cars on the freeway.

Everything to the LandCruiser is small and everything about it – from dimensions to towing ability, fuel consumption to seat height – is huge.

But it is remarkably adept at its task, with folklore durability and capability. The Sahara variant just adds the icing.

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