Future models - BMW - 6 Series - M6 coupeChristmas comes early for BMW M6 buyersHigh price for exclusivity: The M6 will set you back $270,000. Lashings of carbon fibre and a V10 engine make this BMW one of the best ever19 Oct 2005 BMW’S new sports flagship, the $270,000 M6 coupe, makes its Aussie debut in Sydney, more than two months before deliveries start around Christmas. This year’s limited shipment will be followed by a similarly disappointing number of M6 coupes in 2006, and with most of next year’s allocation already spoken for, it will be one of the most exclusive BMW models ever sold here. Featuring the same 373kW V10 that powers BMW’s M5 sedan, the two-door, four-seater M6 features a carbon-fibre roof and bumpers, plus high-strength composite and aluminium panels. These weight-saving measures give M6 the best power-to-weight ratio ever offered by BMW. 6 Series pricing
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