A STUBBY-BOOTED sedan version of Holden's acclaimed Astra enables the company to compete head to head with Toyota Corolla, Ford Laser and Nissan Pulsar. It uses the same underpinnings as its hatchback sibling but offers the added practicality of a boot. Visually, it closely resembles the hatchback but whether it looks as good is open to debate. More importantly, the Astra sedan offers the taut handling and zippy performance that has earned its five-door brother widespread praise.

Holden Astra TR
Released: Sep 1996
Ended: Sep 1998
Family Tree: AstraTHE first Opel-based Astra came quietly in 1996, paving the way for the very successful TS version in 1998. Three engines were available - a 1.6-litre, 1.8-litre and 2.0-litre restricted to the GSi version. The front-drive Astra came as a four-door sedan or five-door hatch.
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