MAZDA certainly didn't lead the charge when manufacturers began to change the styling of light commercials to more closely mirror the softer lines and interiors of modern passenger cars. Mazda was up to two years behind its rivals when it launched the new B-Series Bravo range in February 1999 but the customer definitely benefited from the delay. The Bravo has received the softest curves of the new styling trend and changed its shape dramatically from the previous model to standout as a perfect balance of stylish looks and practical workhorse.

Bravo dual cab utility
Released: April 1996
Ended: February 1999
Family Tree: BravoMazda continues the B-Series Bravo, which it launched in 1991, with the new range released in February 1999. Bravo's proven reliability, along with a new turbo-diesel engine and factory dual fuel option, should satisfy those looking for a good all-rounder.
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