WITH substantial mid-life models of the Holden Commodore and Ford Falcon due within 12 months, both local manufacturers are working hard to build momentum in the lead-up to their new releases. In the case of Holden, its VXII Commodore has made some important suspension improvements to an otherwise mild facelift. The base-model Executive still lacks the equipment level of the Falcon equivalent (Forte), however the fitment of an alarm, improved interior ergonomics and trim, plus better rear-drive handling characteristics all bode well for continued success.

Holden Commodore VSII
Released: June 1996
Ended: August 1997
Family Tree: CommodoreTHE last model in the previous shaped Commodore series was the Series II VS, which made way for the all-new VT Commodore in September 1997. The Executive represented the model basic Commodore model throughout the VN/VP/VR/VS series, and remains so with today's latest VXII model.
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